Hamilton Olympic Club


Celebrating over 99 Years of Track & Field!
Our mission is to help Track & Field athletes in the city of Hamilton realize their potential at all levels of participation – from recreation to elite competition.

The Hamilton Olympic Club (HOC) is proud to be the oldest continuously operating track and field organization in Canada. Established in 1926 by a group of local businessman, the Club committed itself to providing quality training opportunities to Hamilton’s youth. This has remained our focus to this very day. From its illustrious beginnings to the present, many HOC athletes have competed at the provincial, national and Olympic level.

“Our Club provides programs for athletes from age 8 to adult in the various disciplines of track and field. Program availability varies by season, so do take a look at our detailed program information links.”

2025 Board of Directors

Position Name
President Marcello Campanaro
Vice President David Lowe
Secretary Mandy Douglas
Treasurer/Bookkeeper Allison Feir
Past President Scott G. Davidson
Member-at-Large Monika Di Cesare
Member-at-Large Angelo Di Cesare
Member-at-Large Bill Urie
Member-at-Large Siobhan Chisholm
Member-at-Large Heidi Davidson
Member-at-Large John Lezon
Member-at-Large Bernard DuBois
Member-at-Large Dan DiVincenzo


Coaches Programme Contact
Mikayla Hewitt Senior Distance Program hocdistance@gmail.com
Marcello Campanaro, Heidi Davidson Senior Power/Sprints Program mcamp@hamiltonolympicclub.ca
Mike Smith, Dan DiVincenzo, Theresa Wylie Intermediate Program boatsmith27@gmail.com
Nicole Sobolewski Youth Development Program nicoleas7676@gmail.com
Val Sarjeant Para Program valsarjeant@cogeco.ca
Sean Doucette, Holly Taylor, Johnny Ahlstedt Senior Throws Program seanjuan22@hotmail.com
John VanLoon, David Lowe Pole Vault Program johnjvanloon@gmail.com